I woke up this morning feeling so tired and sleepy, after not struggling with getting up in the morning my new lease of life is fading and I just feel lethargic. I have cut my food intake down too. Before this challenge my diet was shocking and consisted of anything caffeine orientated, fizzy drinks I lived on them and just junk. But this last week I am down to 1 coffee in the morning and squash or water throughout the day....maybe the odd glass of vino... we can't all be saints and I have some weaknesses.
But so far no junk food and I mean no junk food and I thought this would be the hardest part for me, but to be honest I haven't even craved it! Today would of tested that need for sugar, I was at hospital with my son for his check up. At 3 he was diagnosed with leukaemia and after 3 and half years of chemotherapy his treatment ended last year in May having fully recovered.
My son is similar to me in the sense we associate certain places with food. Hospital for me is red bull and mini cheddars, Indie's is hot chocolate. The moment we arrived he was asking for a hot chocolate. Its like the boy can smell it before we have even set foot in the place and once it's in his head then I am literally pestered till I give in...anything for the quiet life. But I held strong, dug my heels in and told myself 'I am not going into the cafe'. Mind over matter and I succeeded. I was however made to feel guilty for it, but nonetheless mini cheddars and red bull will live to see another day! Hop over to Tracey's blog to see how her day seven went!
I love a good sunrise and today's one was particularly beautiful

Korben showing me how to do the stretches properly

I know this is really sloppy but I am so incredibly proud of you for doing so well! You've done better than me in terms of your eating as I have been naughty and not really watched that side of it, however I will do this week!
ReplyDeleteI am also very relieved to read about your son and his full recovery. My heart goes out to you and your family for having to deal with such a terrible diagnosis, although I am sure it has brought you closer.
Hugs T x